Addiction Counseling

Addiction counseling is where we get to look at beliefs and behaviors that were picked up during active addiction. In early recovery the drugs and alcohol are removed, this does not mean that our thoughts and behaviors are going to magically clear up. Often intense one on one sessions are needed to examine and first create awareness of the limiting thoughts and actions that we have picked up in our active addiction. This is a process that goes years into recovery. Whatever stage of recovery you are in, growth needs to be at the forefront of it all.

I take a strength based approached with clients and build on those strengths. Our strengths are so often masked in layers of shame due to how these strengths may have been used in the past. Underlying all of this shame is an asset of the personality that is pleading to be redirected. I work to help clients redirect their strengths to healthy outlets.

I did not see my ability to find drugs and alcohol, no matter what, as an asset until Jon showed me that at the core this was the asset of resourcefulness. Jon helped me redirect this inner strength and today I own my own home in which my beautiful family lives in. This has been a goal of mine my entire life! Thank you, Jon!

Anna B. (Name changed for protection)

There are so many issues that result from addiction, if you are struggling with something in your life and have been involved in active addiction at some point in your life, I guarantee I can help you find the lesson that you are supposed to learn from this struggle so that you may move on in your life, in peace. Reach out now to experience the peace and serenity that recovery has to offer!