Anger Resolution

  • Unresolved anger is a deeply rooted machine that resides in the subconscious mind. For this reason, those suffering from unresolved anger often are unaware of the root issue. The anger resolution process is different than anger management in that we do not just throw multiple coping skills at the anger. This is because when a certain type of anger is activated the reasoning ability of the brain is not actively on, rendering coping skills useless.
  • The anger resolution process focuses on root causes and behaviors that lead to the anger. We look to identify the behaviors that lead to anger and cut out those behaviors, therefore eliminating the anger all together.
  • Anger resolution is typically a 10 session process as we dig deep into life experiences and we recommend purchasing the anger resolution package as this creates a layer of accountability but also a certain level of momentum will be created as we push through this work and it is important not to loose that momentum until the anger is fully released and healed.
  • We first lay a foundational understanding of what unresolved anger is and how it shows up, an approach using cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is then applied, we then look at shame and dissolve it as shame plays a significant role in unresolved anger, once in this space we then implement healthy coping skills as the root issue has now been efficiently healed.
  • These coping skills are derived from the ideas of DBT and add an extra layer of protection as these subconscious behaviors can often go unchecked in the beginning phase of this process.
  • As awareness of behaviors that lead to anger increase a liberation of energy is experienced as energy is no longer being expensed in foolish ways. You deserve to be free of all your unresolved anger. Whether your anger manifest as outburst (rage), avoidance (isolation) or plot (fantasy), lets us educate you and guide you out of it so that you may experience the peace and serenity that life offers, free of anger.