
I offer addiction counseling, life coaching, an anger resolution package and am an experiential specialist.

​I have been in the recovery field for 5 years and have seen a wide range of issues related to addiction. Addiction in itself can be a traumatic event that often leads to grief and shame and can produce anxiety and depression and I have created treatment plans for every issue my clients have presented with as related to addiction. Each client has a different set of issues, needs and goals so I take a person centered approach to best meet these needs and achieve these goals. It is important to identify our strengths and to capitalize on these.

Addiction is a disease that often pushes us to go against our morals, this causes uncomfortable emotional states that we tend to want to avoid discussing. To begin healing we must feel these emotions and to feel the emotions we need someone to process them with. I have experienced the darkness of addiction and strive to help people see their light.

My primary experience consist of working in the field of recovery however I have spent a considerable amount of time working as a life coach for people who are not struggling with addiction, as well. Seeing people find their focus, set and then achieve their goals is what fuels me to continue to do this work. I strive to be of service to my community which includes both those suffering with addiction and those who are not but have lost their passion and drive in life. The good news is that this passion and drive is still there, let me help you find it.

I also offer anger resolution which is generally a 10 session deep dive into underlying beliefs, identities and behaviors that lead to highly elevated states of anger. So often we are taught there is only one type of anger which looks like aggression, yelling, in your face and over the top behavior. While this is one type of anger only talking about this type allows the avoidant anger to go unnoticed. The quiet nature of avoidance anger often prevents us from seeking the help necessary as it is only our internal state that is affected and we are not outwardly causing harm. Fact is we do project this internal anger onto others just in subtle ways that become recognized over time. Why wait until the consequences of this unresolved anger come crashing down? Schedule your first anger resolution session today.

Experiential work goes outside the bounds of cognition and works to create an emotional response with the subject at hand.

I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel

-Maya Angelo

I strive to change the lives of those that I come into contact with in such a positive light that they will never forget the experience they had while working together. Experiential work leaves a person with a heightened, freeing and lasting emotional memory that is an invaluable resource and accessible in times of struggle.

As humans we have been hardwired for connection which traces back to our cave man roots. Back then if we did not connect with our tribe we would be killed. The message here is that connection is vital to recovery. Connection is the opposite of addiction. Let’s connect now!